Husky Gawenda et sa supervoice, accompagné de ses trois musicotriotes de Melbourne, forment le groupe Husky. Impressionnants en live, ils nous offre une "Tidal wave" raffinée et précise dominée par le timbre de Husky qui nous émerveille. Entre pudeur et sérénité, leur son ondule au rythme de Dame Nature.
Attention à ce geyser mélodieux...
Madame Bazaar says “Click, listen and learn !”.
Husky Gawenda and his supervoice, accompanied with his three musicotriots from Melbourne, forms Husky band. Impressive in live sessions, they offer to us a sophisticated and precise " Tidal wave " dominated by Husky's vocal timbre which amazes us. Between modesty and serenity, their sound waves at Mother Nature's rhythm...
Be careful of this melodious geyser...
Madame Bazaar says "Click, listen and learn !".